When you purchase car insurance, supplemental drivers insurance, and even cellular phone service you will likely notice the option to get roadside assistance. This assistance varies from policy to policy, but the basic premise is the same: By purchasing this assistance package, bundle, or option, you will be able to call a number and receive assistance for car issues you may be having. There is a misconception that multiple policies give you better coverage and offer you more options. Before you buy into these misconceptions, consider the following things you should know about having multiple roadside assistance policies.
Stacking Policies
You may have heard of a phrase called stacking policies. This phrase refers to using your multiple policies to give you greatly reduced or free roadside services. For example, you may have one policy that states you can have a free amount of gas if you run out. Another policy may offer the same service. In most cases, you will not be able to use both policies to obtain more gas for your vehicle. This is due to the fact that most roadside assistance plans carry a stipulation that says your assistance packages may not be used concurrently with other discounts, coupons, or services.
Duplicate Services
Many roadside assistance packages actually offer the same services. For example, you will probably get services like flat tire changes or towing up to a certain amount of mileage. For this reason, having multiple policies really doesn't offer you a great benefit. Before you sign on for multiple policies with your cellular phone company or your car insurance, consider what each is offering along with any additional services one of the assistance options may have. If there is no difference or additional benefit, stick with the one that offers the best options for your needs at the lowest cost.
Hidden Fees
Make sure when you are purchasing your roadside assistance packages that you check for hidden fees. Most people who have multiple roadside assistance options usually do so based on a free addition to an existing program they have. For example, your cellular phone service may offer free roadside assistance if you are on contract and not a prepaid option. If you opt into this free option, make sure you aren't actually paying a hidden fee that could be avoided by simply sticking to one policy and denying the free option. Hidden fees generally relate to services like towing that exceeds the mileage limit or exceeding the number of roadside assistance calls you can have in a given time frame.
These are just three things to consider when you have multiple roadside assistance policies. The key factor is to try and reduce your policies to one main policy that does everything you need it to with the lowest rate possible.