Getting bogged in the sand dunes

  • Should You Call for Towing Services for Your Car?

    3 August 2016

    Car owners typically don't like the idea of needing to have a car towed, as they may not want to face the expense or hassle of dealing with a towing service. However, keep in mind that a tow truck is often a much safer choice than driving your car in many cases; using their services can keep you and other drivers safer than if you drove a car with serious mechanical issues.

  • The Different Types of Towing Services You Can Consider

    7 December 2015

    Most vehicle owners know that they may require towing services at one point or another. However, not many put much thought into what type of towing services would be best suited for their vehicle. Since cars come in an array of shapes and sizes, tow truck companies use different types of services to ensure that you are getting what is best suited for your particular vehicle. It should be noted that is best to have the contacts of your towing truck company in your phone.

  • Three Preparation Tips for Towing a Trailer

    11 September 2015

    Trailers are valuable instruments for hauling heavy and bulky loads for personal and commercial purposes. Generally, it is advisable to engage a professional transporter to move the carriage over long distances. However, if you have a truck with towing capabilities, you can handle this task with basic guidance. Here are some simple tips to help you prepare your trailer for towing so that you will arrive at your destination without a hitch.

  • 3 Things You Should Know about Having Multiple Roadside Service Policies

    3 September 2015

    When you purchase car insurance, supplemental drivers insurance, and even cellular phone service you will likely notice the option to get roadside assistance. This assistance varies from policy to policy, but the basic premise is the same: By purchasing this assistance package, bundle, or option, you will be able to call a number and receive assistance for car issues you may be having. There is a misconception that multiple policies give you better coverage and offer you more options.

  • Have Your Car Towed If You Notice Any of These Problems

    1 September 2015

    Some mechanical problems with your car are not so serious that you can't get your car to a nearby repair shop, but all too often, car owners overlook serious mechanical issues and drive their car when they shouldn't. There are some problems with a car that make it dangerous and unsafe to drive even a short distance, and doing so can put you at risk and also cause more damage to your car overall.

  • When to Call a Towing Service Rather Than Drive Your Car

    21 August 2015

    Thinking that your car is safe to drive simply because it can be turned on and put into gear is a mistake, if you're having certain mechanical issues with the car. In some cases you may put your own safety at risk when on the road, and in other cases, you may be risking more serious damage to your car by driving it. Note a few times when you want to call a towing service to get your car to a repair shop rather than drive it.

  • Lockdown: Choosing The Right Towing Lock For Your Trailer Or Caravan

    14 August 2015

    It's fair to say that security is one of the primary concerns of anybody who owns a trailer or caravan - thieves are always becoming more inventive and efficient when it comes to stealing them, sometimes in broad daylight and right out of their owner's driveway. Fortunately, there are a dizzying array of towing hitch locks available on the market to thwart trailer thieves (not to mention lower your trailer insurance premiums), but not every towing lock is suitable for every trailer, or every budget.